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Active for Life Program

Join our Active for life Program

Our Active for Life program is a design for recreational play open to all ages and levels of play. Table tennis is a complete sport that exercises the mind and the body. It has proven cognitive and physical benefits. It can be played all season and it is tons of fun.  



Every Monday and Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm

Check the calendar of events for cancellations and tournaments


There are multiple options for you to join. First you need to become a member of MTTA. Ignore this section if you are one already.

Then select which payment plan works best for you. There are 4 options: 

  1. Drop-In is $5 per visit and can be only paid at the venue or by e-transfer to (you must be a member to use the drop in)
  2. Monthly Membership: $25/ Month (Only Available Through Credit Card and E-transfer). Play unlimited times in our Active for Life venues, and Winnipeg & District League of the paid month Click on the link to register: Active For Life Membership – MTTA
  3. A4L Max Pac: $175/ Season. Play unlimited times in our Active For Life venues of the current season. The payment is for the whole season. Click on the link to register: Active For Life Max-Pac – MTTA
  4. A4L Super Max Pac: $200/Season. Play unlimited times in our Active for Life venues, and Winnipeg & District League of the current season. The payment is for the whole season. Click on the link to register: Active For Life Super Max-Pac – MTTA
Click on the button that suits best your needs, fill out the form and complete payment. E-transfer is available you just need to fill out the forms submit, ignore the payment section, send the e-trasnfer to: